{photography} Study of a Mushroom

It’s been wonderful to pick up the camera again after an absence of my Muse for the last couple of months… i tend to forget the pleasure that photographing an ordinary item can bring A mushroom, poking through the grass after the rains, and 10 minutes of...

The Weekend Photo Project: May

I’ve been playing catch-up.  Slowly. I started The Weekend Photo Project as a no-pressure photography project for myself and others because I sucked (and still do!) at keeping up with a daily project.   It’s time to put some pressure back on myself though,...

Tame Your Inbox

I’m guilty of checking my email multiple times a day. I’m waiting for a reply from someone. Wondering if anything new has hit the inbox. But it might be urgent. I really should be doing something else, but I don’t want to, so I’ll check my...

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