Creativity Corporation
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Yesterday, I talked about why you might be in need of a sabbatical.

How many of you sat down and had a long, hard think about it?

And who decided “Yeah, I need a break!”?

So how is taking time off going to kickstart your creativity?

My sabbatical year is about my jewellery designing – so it’s not going to have an impact on how I get food on the table (having the super-supportive husband and part-time job helps here!).

My year off is about not having to think about designing.  Not feeling the pressure to create, list and sell.

See where this is leading…

Taking time off from your craft will let you take a step back from what you do.

That step back will allow you to look at the whole picture – to gain perspective about your micro-biz – and to see things from a distance.  The things you couldn’t see before because you were up too close and personal.

The break in your routine means your mind will be able to wander.

Let it!  Let new ideas take hold.  Work over old ideas and see what comes of them.  Be sure and jot them down – you never know where they may lead…

Explore new crafts and learn a new technique – do something new and different.

I bet, if you’re like me, you have a list of new crafts that you’d love to try!

I’m using this year to get back to my photography.  It was my first creative-love, that was put on hold when my children were young.  They’re old enough to feed themselves now, so I’ve picked up the camera again.

What if I don’t want to continue with my biz at the end of my sabbatical?

Honestly, this is question that only you can answer.

It’s one that has crossed my mind.  I feel that, if when my 12 months is up, I don’t want to create jewellery any more, I’ll slowly sell up all of my stock and (maybe) pack away my tools.  I know though, that I will always have these skills.  And I’ll be able to go back to creating pretties on a whim.

‘Real life’ will still be there waiting for you.

It’s not going anywhere.  In reality, you are still going to have to clean and cook, and ferry kids to-and-fro.  But you’ll have given your creative spirit as rest.

And finally, figure out a way of making ‘time off’ a regular feature.

Call them mini-sabbaticals – a day just for you.  A day where you give yourself permission to not feel guilty about not doing.  A day to rest and recharge.

After all, that’s what sabbaticals are all about, aren’t they?

If you’ve taken a Sabbatical Year, please share your experiences here.  Your story may be the ‘little shove’ that someone needs to take that step and give themselves permission.

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