I don’t think you ever really believe this day will come…

my Beautiful Girl has left home  – gone to the Territory for her first big adventure

Even though we knew the time would come when she would fly the nest, and even as the day drew closer, it still didn’t seem real somehow.

As we were putting her on the plane – her so calm and relaxed, me willing myself to let her go – it still didn’t seem real.

Hearing the emotion in her voice as she told me she’d cried herself to sleep the first night… it was all I could do from booking a plane ticket out to Alice Springs straight away.

I keep telling myself that I am not the first mother to have watched their child leave home, nor will I be the last.

but man, it freakin’ difficult

the kids having one last mad-chat on Sissy's bed

one last mad-chat on Sissy’s bed

saying goodbye to the dog

saying goodbye to the dog

walking the terminal to board a plane to Alice Springs

no looking back now

boarding the plane to Alice Springs

it’s really time…

waiting to depart

waiting to depart – so near and yet so far….

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