As I promised last week, I’ve been scouring the web to find actions that are suitable for Photoshop Elements.

Still being a bit of a newbie to this whole actions gig, I’ve found a few freebies (and some paid ones as well).  Have tried my hand at a couple of the free ones, and I think that it’s going to require a bit more playing around before I can make up my mind properly about

1. whether I like them and
2. whether I’ll use them.

In the meantime though, here’s a very non-comprehensive list of PSE compatible actions that I’ve found.

Free Actions

Pioneer Woman Actions Sets 1 & 2
Coffee Shop Actions & Presets
Nelly Nero Free Actions
Virtual Photographer from optikVerve Labs

Paid Actions
mcp actions *
pure photoshop actions *
Paint the Moon PS Actions and Textures *

If you know of any other brilliant actions that you’d like to recommend, please leave me a comment so I can check them out!

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