3 Steps to Embracing Imperfection

Last week I confessed to being an Recovering Perfectionist. It’s a struggle some days not to not let these tendencies through.  But I work on it. How? 1.  I take small steps. One of my first small steps was letting the children make their own beds.  And leaving them...

Warning: Perfectionism Can Harm Your Creativity

{Image: Imperfect by mythlady on Flickr} “Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes, and having fun.” ~Mary Lou Cook But your muse has packed her bags and moved on? Why? Your need to be perfect. You want...

Confessions of a Recovering Perfectionist

Hello, I’m Tasha and I’m a Perfectionist. It’s been nearly 4 years since I realised that I was a perfectionist – really truly realised that I was a mad, raving, it-has-to-be-perfect-or-the-world-will-end perfectionist. And I still struggle on a daily basis. What...

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