#twpp: – ‘composition: pattern’

As I sat having my breakfast this morning and wondering what in the blue blazes I was going to photograph for pattern (wasn’t feeling real inspired…), I realised I had a pattern right in front of me. This is the brass tray that holds the bits-and-pieces on...

Photo a Day April – Orange

I was wondering what I would photograph for ‘orange’ today… Originally I thought of the colour of the turning leaves on the trees in my garden (because Autumn is my favourite season for that reason), but then I spotted the fire in my fire-box....

Photo a Day April – How I Feel Today

How does one photograph pain? It’s been a bit of a rough week pain-wise.  Last weekends drive around the bush bumped me around just a little too much and I’ve been paying for it this week. And to top it all off, I woke up with the beginnings of a cold sore...

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