pears: a study

pears: a study

sometimes it’s nice to photograph something other than flowers… It was while I was picking up some vegetables at The Fruit Shop that these locally grown pears caught my eye. Their dark, golden skins made me pick them up and bring them back to the Studio,...

{beautiful to me} History’s Shadow by David Maisel

an intriguing concept – reworking x-rays into photographs of objects of antiquity Which is exactly what David Maisel has done with his History’s Shadow collection of photographs. History’s Shadow has as its source material x-rays of art objects that date...

Photo a Day April – Shadow

Day #7 – shadow Today’s photo is technically courtesy of Husband pressing the shutter button and asking me to run my hands over my face (editing in Pic Monkey – I’m still playing with this new photo editing software –  is courtesy of me)....

365 Project – Day 212

What began as an exercise in photographing the detail in a ball of yarn ended in photos of cross-hatched shadow. It’s been busy in our house today – domestically busy.  Lot’s of dusting, cobwebbing, vacuuming and washing. And finding two treasured...

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