Had quite a chuckle reading Mia Freedman’s Opinion piece this morning – The Occasional Vegetarian.

I’ve been a non-red meat eater since I was pregnant with Daughter – about 12 years now.  I eat fish and chicken – but won’t (can’t) touch anything red.

My switch had nothing to do with ethics.  I simply (literally) could no longer stomach the taste of red meat.  And the texture of it in my mouth – ack!

I refer to myself as vegetarian.  Although the definition of ‘Vegetarian’, according to the Websters Online Dictionary is

Vegetarian: Noun

1. Eater of fruits and grains and nuts; someone who eats no meat or fish or (often) any animal products.

And an interesting piece of trivia about the word “vegetarian” – date “vegetarian” was first used in popular English literature: sometime before 1853.

So what am I then??  I love my cheeses.  Have milk on my cereal and in my coffee.  And one of my favourite snacks is a boiled egg…

So, does anyone else out there fit in to the same category?

What do you call yourself?

As always, I’m curious…

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