having less stuff is better for you

i wish that i was able to fully embrace minimalism

Whenever we’ve moved house, I’ve always pared things back to the essentials – only enough sheets and towels for if we have guests; only eight pieces in the dinner setting and a couple of nice serving platters.

In other areas though, there is more… enough books to fill 3 bookcases; CD’s that rarely get listened to and comic books we’ve been carting around for the last 20-something years.

i often wonder what i would grab if my house were to catch fire

The kids.  My purse.  Maybe a back-up hard drive of my computer, if I were able.  But otherwise, it could all burn.  It’s just stuff.

Your thoughts…?  Does less stuff = more life?

or would you be madly trying to douse the flames?

photo credit: estherase via photopin cc

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