{Image: No Thank You  by Just Lucky on Flickr}

I have a meeting with my Boss today.

And at that meeting I’m going to say “No, thank you.”

You see, she’s asked me to re-register as a teacher and take on a position of Learning Support Teacher .

But the thing is, after a week of consideration, I’ve decided I don’t want the job.

I love what I do at school now, don’t get me wrong.  I love working with the kids with learning difficulties – be it because they have missed out on the basics early on and I’m helping them to catch up; or because they have a disability that means they learn differently to mainstream kids.  I like my kids (not all the time mind you, sometimes they are right pains-in-the-arses), I like what I do with them and I like that I’m helping shape their futures.

But I don’t want to be a teacher again.

I don’t want to do policy.  I don’t want to program.  I don’t want to attend meetings and I don’t want to make decisions about these kids futures.

I know it sounds like a cop out, but I don’t want the responsibility.

I have enough of that already.

I’m the one who makes the decisions about my small biz, what to make, how to market – the whens, wheres, whys and hows.

I’m the one who decides what’s for dinner and which bills will get paid when.

I’m the one who cooks, cleans, irons, runs-around-after, doctors, listens to and loves three other really important individuals.

And I don’t have the room in my heart, mind or body to add any more.

I could, if I really wanted to… if I really had to.

But I know that I would burn out – big-time, bad and quickly.  My health would give.  And when my health gives, the wheels fall off.

Which is why I am saying no.

“No, thank you. I am flattered and honoured that you believe I am capable of the job, but I cannot accept.”

Because at the end of the day (for me) it’s about priorities.

Are the extra hours and equivalent dollars really worth the toll they will take on my health and consequently my family?

I’m fortunate that I’m in a position where my Husband is in a good job, that he values my role as Mother to our children and that financially I don’t need to take on the extra work.

And I know not everyone is as lucky as me.  Not everyone has the luxury of being able to say “No, thank you.”

But do you ever stop and wonder…

Would my world be different if I could say no?

Would I be more at peace with myself if I learned to say no?

Will my priorities allow me to say no?

Can I say no… no, thank you?

And I’ll let you know what my Boss says…

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