Day #7 – shadow

Today’s photo is technically courtesy of Husband pressing the shutter button and asking me to run my hands over my face (editing in Pic Monkey – I’m still playing with this new photo editing software –  is courtesy of me).

We’ve been to see ‘The Hunger Games’ today.  There is a scene where Katniss and Peeta are down in a hole and Katniss is about to leave to retrieve medicine that will save Peeta’s life (trying not to give too much away here for those of you who haven’t seen it!) – anyways, the lighting shows one half of her face in light and the other dark.

The lighting really struck a chord with me.  I’ve seen it before and I love the effect.  All of the family were happy to volunteer, but Hubs wanted to play tonight, and I don’t usually feature in front of the camera, so here I am.

Tired and in pain.

But happy.

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