Our Beautiful Girl got sick this year, and for a while there we didn’t have any answers.

Beautiful Girl_01

But we forged ahead.  Found solutions.  And through our forging, a lot of things have changed.

In a moment this morning (literally – ironic or what!)… laying on the lounge-room floor cuddling and kissing with the Hubs, he said that this year is the most contented and relaxed that he has seen me (for this time of year.  And we’ve been together 21 years…)

Christmas-es have never been great.  Well, mostly never.

But, this year, things have changed.

I’ve started to go slow.

I’ve released my inner-Creative-beast with my photography.

I am at peace.

A part of me has healed.  Is ready for the future – whatever it may hold.

What would you like healed in 2011?

Written for #reverb 10 – December 19

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