{photography} study of a daffodil

I’m usually a dark-and-moody-photo-sort-of-gal, but the first daffodils in the garden were just begging for a little high-key treatment. sometimes it’s fun to shake things up a little In the comments, I’d love to hear: What is your favourite thing...

365 Project – Day 270

The light was just right this morning, shining on my beautiful daffodils that grace the centre of our table. And as I was editing the photo tonight and getting ready to post it, I came across a photo of my best mate from high school – William Patrick.  He passed...

365 Project – Day 255

You know how sometimes you see an image online and it just says in your consciousness for ages…? That’s the inspiration behind today’s photo. I can’t remember where I saw it, but it’s been in my head the last couple of days. Edited in...

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