#twpp: ‘Easter’

We’ve had a wonderfully relaxed weekend – enjoying the sunshine, the Fast & Furious movies and one another’s company. Hope you’ve had a blessed weekend. T xo

The Weekend Photo Project: ‘Easter’

4 days of family and relaxation Wherever you are in the world and however you celebrate Easter, have a sensational (and safe) time. and may the bunny man bring you as many (or as few) eggs as you wished for T xo Oh, almost forgot… here’s where you can...

{weekend} Saturdays are for…

Making the easter hat for the Easter Hat Parade at school this coming week. We used this template for the rabbit.  Eyelashes were a Mum-extra and apparently I now have to add teeth!

{DIY} Tuesday – Paint Chip Easter Garland

{Image: DIY Paint Chip Easter Garland at Modern Parents Messy Kids} I’ve got 2 extra little people for the day on Thursday – one 8-year-old boy (who will keep the Little Man busy) and one 3-year-old girl (who will keep me busy!) I’m going to tackle this project if I...

{DIY} Tuesday – Easter Eggs

{Image: Purple Cabbage Dye Easter Eggs at astorybooklife.com} “This year, instead of purchasing a regular “same old, same old” egg dying kit, try using some of the food from your kitchen to color your eggs! Spinach = Pale Green Hibiscus tea = Green Blackberries = Deep...

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