The Weekend Photo Project: 'birthday'My Little Man turns 11 this weekend, so I thought I’d be terribly self-indulgent… sorry!

Birthdays in our house are a pretty laid back affair – breakfast, lunch and dinner of your choice, plus no chores for the day.  Maybe a meal shared with our close friends, but more often than not just the four of us spending the day celebrating the lucky birthday boy/girl.

For myself personally, my birthday is just another day (albeit one of being spoiled).  When it comes to the kids though, it’s a day to celebrate becoming a mum – something I initially wasn’t that keen to do, but now can’t imagine a life without.


I’m loving that more people have been joining in with The Weekend Photo Project.  If you know of someone that you think would enjoy playing along, please pass this post on to them.  And have a wonderful weekend – Txo

Where can you share?

Facebook:  Create an album (title suggestion – My Weekend Photo Project) and upload your photos.  Don’t forget to make your album public, so that anyone can have a look at your photos.  You can also share your photos with me over on my page.

Your blog:  Upload your photos to your blog and share them with the wide world.

Flickr:  Share your photos at The Weekend Photo Project.

Pinterest:  If you’re on Pinterest create a board for your weekend photos.  Don’t forget to add the tag#twpp so that others can search for them.  I have a The Weekend Photo Project Pinterest board that I’m going to invite people to pin on.  If you’d love to be involved, let me know and I’ll send you an invite!

Instagram: Upload your photo to Instagram and don’t forget to add #twpp to your caption.  Proceed to share!

Twitter: Use Instagram, link to your Pinterest board or your blog.  And remember to add #twpp as your hashtag.

Anywhere else you like: I’m sure I’ve left out others ways of sharing, so leave a comment below and let everyone know where your photos will be!

Be sure and leave a comment below to let me (and everyone else) know where you’ll be sharing your photos.  Visit other peoples photos.  Like them.  Leave a comment.  And share the Project.  The more people we can get involved, the more fun it will be.

Don’t forget that the prompts are open to interpretation.  There is no right or wrong photo.

Each photo is your little snapshot of your world as you see it.


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