The Weekend Photo Project: 'a favourite  book'

i always have a pile of books on my bedside

That doesn’t mean that I’m reading them all at once.  I can’t multi-task when reading – one book and one photography e-book at a time (otherwise I get confused!)

When I read I often get very wrapped up in the story.  I’ve been known to not pick up a book for several weeks after I finish a book that I became soooo involved in.  It’s like I’m mourning the passing of the characters – they’ll no longer be a part of my day and I have to grieve that fact.

so for me, picking a favourite is going to be a tough call

Might have to photograph a stack of books instead!!

If you’d like to share your favourite book with us on The Weekend Photo Project you can find more details and all the links for sharing your photo here on this page.

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